Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sorry for commenting again on the V-Monologues as they are now being referred to in the news...

What shall I say? The way certain people argue against the play is just so diametrial to my mindset, that it really annoys me when I read their comments. Of course, it is every person's right to publish her or his opinion on anything. And of course, the society's values etc must be taken into consideration, when you argue. But please, come on, when it comes to those exaggerated reasoning (international complot to destroy the moral of the Ugandan people...) or whenever certain groups are pointed at and their peaceful way of living is critised and criminalised, I become angry.

Come on, take a step back, cool down, clear up your mind and look at it again. It is only a play. People deliberately decide to watch it. Nobody is forced to watch it. It is everybody's own decision. And this is another issue, which annoys me. How come that this is such a big deal. Is it part of a greater deal? I honestly hope that they are not intending to trace down homosexuals and arrest them or do worse things.

What I also cannot understand are the Christian fundamentalists. It seems as if they and me do not interpret God's word similarly. I was raised according to Christian values, I went to Sunday school, religion was always one of my best subjects - but what I was told is: Respect others! Behave! And our God is a forgiving God! Well I am a protestant - if this matters - so I also believe that you have to help yourself first and that you should not rely on others. Maybe it is because of this that I believe in the liberal thoughts.

So obviously this is different in this country. I suggest some Immanuel Kant, to understand elightment: "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!"

Here people even shy at movies like "American Pie". Everybody with a usual mind, will come to the conclusion that this just hilarious and stupid college nonsense. I got a kick out of is and was almost thrown out of the movie theatre/cinema for laughing too much and too loud. I never saw myself and my moral standards in danger?

What would happen if WBS or UTV would consider broadcasting the eight or nine episodes of "Lemon Popsicle" (Eis am Stil).

Ah, yes the first paragraph of this article was the reason for this posting:

"The unintended consequence of the dialogue on the Vagina Monologues (which for decency's sake I will refer to as V-Monologues) has been the exposure of the great moral division within the women's movement in Uganda. During a talk show on Kfm last week, I confirmed what I had long suspected; Uganda's women movement is hijacked by a bunch of fundamentalist extremists who are moonstruck with the promotion of lesbianism, abortion, cultic worship of a female pagan goddess and an incessant contempt and hatred for men! These very vocal extremists are often products of western feminists whose values are at dissonance with the average Ugandan woman who has a more traditional family outlook, strong religious leanings, a healthy respect both for her husband and son, as well as a reverence for the rights of her unborn child. (...)"

The writer is a pastor, broadcaster and HIV/Aids activists He can be reached at or 077-641028


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