Monday, August 08, 2005

Open Office and a new room mate...


This is a premiere. I am using OpenOffice Writer to write this blog. Why? Well, I heard that its functionality is as good and comprehensive as the commercial equivalent MS Office. And indeed, I am positively surprised. Its look and feel is almost identical and so far, I did not miss any functionality. Moreover, it is for free. I think I am going to use it for while and if I do not miss anything from the Office package and if I do not have any compatibility problems, I am going to stick with it. Especially since I am planning to buy two new computers soon.1

New room mate

Oh, since Saturday, we do have a new room mate. What shall I say? There are always some surprises... I do not like people who consider everything as common good and who disregard privacy. It is not that I do not mind if someone uses my mp3-player, bike or reads my books. However, I appreciate it if I am asked before. Well, 24 days left until I can enjoy my own apartment again.. And it is hopefully only a matter of time before I ship my whole stuff back to Uganda.2

1 Well, I want to have a smaller laptop with a higher resolution, which I can carry with me and a high-end desktop for my “home office”.The latter will have a 19” flat screen as well as a DVB-T receiver so that I can watch and record TV shows and films on the PC. Moreover, it will be my wireless access point etc. Ah, I have already outlined. I will be able to remotely access the thing and thus, when I am still at work and some favorite shows, I could access my home computer and start recording it. Ah, day dreams and a computer prospect and a nice combination...

2 Okay, this is the reality check for my previously outlined day dreams. I will then of course not buy additional computers. This would be simply stupid. AND I HATE MOVING !!!


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