Thursday, March 31, 2005

"The Last King of Scotland" by Giles Foden

Easy reading about a terrible period of Uganda's history.

I started reading after I checked in on Monday evenihng and I just finished reading. It is written like an autobiography and although I have known that it is fictional, it was just so real because everything was so familiar...

Does anybody know, which house was Idi Amin's on Prince Charles Drive?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Uganda or Germany or another country?

Here I am, sitting in the plane back from the developed western hemisphere having the country director just one seat in front of me, wondering, why I keep on wanting to stay in Uganda.

I have had some wonderful days in Germany. But those were holidays… holidays in fact, because I was stuck in traffic jams too often. But is generally a stupid idea to drive a car before holidays. Anyway, it was great, because my friends visited their families and so on. So, it would probably be different, when I would go back for good. I would be in Frankfurt, and the two others in Bielefeld and Munich. Both places, I could reach within three to four hours, depending on the way I drive and the time I leave Frankfurt…

But why do I not fancy working again for the bank? When I started my banking career, I was looking forward to lead the usual life of a banker. Living in a nice apartment, eating out and doing sports on the weekends and enjoy skiing and diving during the holidays. And earning money by wearing suits and using my brain instead of my hands… This is all on offer again and it is up to me to join this path of life (again).

I saw how it could be. There are three friends in Frankfurt. One is wondering whether he should quit his well-paid job as a portfolio manager and join the development business. The other one is probably one of the most intelligent persons, I have ever met. Unfortunately, ha was mentally-ill (psychosis) for some years and he struggles to get back into is previous career track.. And the third lives together with his girl-friend in this beautiful big apartment, both play golf, do not have to worry, whether they can afford two or tree holiday trips per year – their only restrictions are the number of leave days and the projects they are on to.

Well, I have everything ready to go. The nice suits, shirts and ties are hanging in my apartment in Frankfurt –covered of course to be protected from the dust (Do I really have dust in Frankfurt, I mean compared to Kampala?), the shoes are polished and in their little shoe-bags, my briefcase is at its place. Last Thursday, I tried it out. I woke up, shaved, had a shower (I know that that is the wrong order, but I prefer it this way), put on the underwear, and then I had breakfast. After finishing reading the daily, I just went to the suits, pulled out my most classic one (dark-blue), took a white shirt and a nice tie, tied my shoes and went to the bus heading to downtown. And after twenty-five minutes I was there. I stood in front of the headquarters of my employer: Deutsche Bank.

Well, I am on unpaid leave and some people would not understand that actually used to work for this financial institution. Is is said to be the symbol of German capitalism and it is usually criticised for its pure profit orientation, its arrogance and tough management. But I have always liked to work that that institution. Some years ago I even fancied working as an executive assistant to learn how this big boat is steered. Well, but then I changed my mind and ended up working as a consultant in the development business. Strange.

But now I am coming closer to a cross roads, where I will have to decide. During my interview, the representative from Deutsche Bank wanted to know what I would like to do, when I rejoin the bank as planned in October. He also mentioned that I could not extent my leave again. So, I will have to make a final decision. And I do not like to make decisions.

It would be so much easier, when I already knew, whether I could stay in Uganda. Working here/there (being on the plane makes me wonder whether it is already here or still there), would be an alternative. However, why? I do not know why I would consider it being an appropriate alternative to a banker’s life in Frankfurt. Whenever, I had to make such a decision before, I said to myself, “Hey, why not. I am young; I have no commitments, no significant other who could hold me back. I should just do it.”

But this time, I fear it might be more. It is also a kind of decision which will determine my future life. Would I ever lead a normal family life in Germany, if I stayed in Uganda for some more years or in another country on another mission in this kind business? Whenever I see older colleagues with their families I conclude that I do not want to end up like them.

But first things first. I will finish up my current assignment, return to Frankfurt by June 1st, participate in the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge in the very evening, report back to office in Frankfurt on June 2nd, drive to Bielefeld on June 3rd, and on June 4th we will have our 10th Abitur anniversary. Maybe, I will know by then, what I would like to do from October onwards, when I see all the married fathers and mothers, which whom I went to school… This will probably be strange, because we have not met for the past 10 years. And, by June I should found reasons to decide in one or the other way.

TV in Germany

Although I had a tight calendar while I was in Germany, I also managed to watch some TV. It is a bad habit to switch on the TV, when I eat at home. Alternatively I read the daily. I am used to have many people around me for lunch or dinner, so I substitute those with the TV entertainment. However, TV in Germany is not what it used to be. It is becoming worse. I wonder what kind of fellow Germans the target group are. No all of my fellow Germans can be dumb.

This deterioration of TV quality has been ongoing for years and I always realize it, when I come back after some time. Thus, the responsible TV managers might not be aware of it (like to frog in the boiling pot).

Unfortunately, the German equivalent of David Letterman, Harald Schmidt also enjoyed holidays, therefore only those shallow shows for the vast majority of TV watching Germany were on air. Big Brother, Court Show, Jerry Springer kind of shows and so on. Admittedly, some nice movies were shown, which I obviously did not watch.

Maybe, I should move the TV downstairs, when I am back. But since I plan to get real fast internet and a digital TV receiver, I will probably find ways and means to keep me busy, without actually “watching” bad TV shows. And besides, there are still some books, which stand unfinished on the book shelves. Among them there are two books written by Ayn Rand: “Capitalism the unknown Ideal” and “Atlas Shrugged”. Both are unread since 1999. They first pages just do not invite to any further reading… But admittedly, the rest is mostly no-fictional. This is something, I should change again – in the future, not now. I have too many unfinished non-fictional books and texts that I must read first. And maybe, I should keep the TV in my living room, just to watch Harald Schmidt before I will go to bed. He had always been a nice end of the day entertainment, which reflected current issues, highlighted culture, music and so forth. I hope his new show is similar to it.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

My Easter Holidays: Cars, Highways, Traffic Jams, Living in Germany, And the Opposite Sex

I have been in Germany for about four and a half days now, and I am tempted to stay here… It is just all too familiar and easy and different – but is it better? I can’t say. You can hardly compare it with my life in Kampala. My friends in Frankfurt live in a very nice apartment, play golf, think about buying convertibles and enjoy being bankers. If they want to enjoy the sun, they fly to the South and enjoy long weekends abroad. And if they want to go skiing they spent some days in the Alpes. Desireable?

Another friend, who lives in Munich, will buy a convertible car, which should either be a Mercedes Benz SLK 230 Compressor, a BMW Z3 or a Porsche Boxter. Fortunately, he could try out the SLK for two days and I had the chance to drive it, too. It is just amazing and incomparable to the cars I could drive in Kampala. Next Tuesday he will get the alternative – and his favourite: the Porsche Boxter.

And here, it makes sense to own such cars, because you can drive fast cars on our highways - if you are not stuck in traffic jams. I experienced both on Thursday. I was stuck in some traffic jams but as soon as they dissolved, I could drive home with 190-200 km/h… And I only had a Ford Fiesta TDCdi with only 66kw…

Germany has at least on advantage. If you are in a three or four star hotel or restaurant, the service is accordingly. Waiters are usually attentive, always knowing in advance what I would like to have, and the food was delicious.

And last but not least, it is just fun to go out with my friends and to be able to flirt with girls in my mother tongue. Unfortunately, this is similar to Kampala: It would just be a relationship with expiration date. ;-)

Nevertheless, tonight is the famous “Erwin Single Party”, which is organized by a local daily. Over the years it has become increasingly funny to go there. I have explained it with the women’s behaviour. The older they are the more they long for stable relationships and their expectations change. Well, or it is just that we lowered our expectations and actually appreciate “inner values” more than the outward appearance… Who knows? We are going to have fun!

Update from Germany

Food is great. Beer is cool. Parties are awesome. Friends are great and time is too short.
Just decided to spend one more night in Bielefeld. So, I will have to be lucky tomorrow to get to the airport early enough to get all the presents on board.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What a surprise!

I have been using the Yellow Taxi for almost 18 months and at their base at just two or three people who co-ordinate the incoming calls from clients and the taxi drivers. Since, I usually walk to their headquarters, when I am in Kisimenti, they also know me personally. However, whenever I call, I have to tell them my name, my apartment number, my phone number etc. But today, I just told them my name and the man just asked when I wanted to go to the bank? I was surprised. Finally there is something, which might be considered as costumer service.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Today's Dilbert is nice:

"Ted, I don't know how to say this.
We need to lean up the process improvement process so I have to smartsize one resource."
"Wow. Usually, it's just a figure of speech when people say 'I don't know how to say this.'"

And unfortunately this is not uncommon in the real world. Sometimes, announcements, statements, reports etc are full of meaningless buzz words, which have to be used. But asked, what it actually means, people seldomly have a straight answer. Anyway, since I have had my daily dose of Dilbert, I will go home and pack my stuff. If I just knew, whether I will stay or go in May...

The "up" in English

This was in my inbox this morning:

"You lovers of the English language might enjoy this . There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is "UP."
It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report We call UP our friends. And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car. At other times the little word has real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special.
And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP.
We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.
We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP!
To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look the word UP in the dictionary.
In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4th of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions.
If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used.
It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more.
When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP.
When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP.
When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things UP.
When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry UP.
One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now my time is UP, so............ Time to shut UP.....! more thing:What is the first thing you do in the morning & the last thing you do at night?
U-P "

Finally, there it is...

... the picture. And another secret was disclosed.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Hello - Blog: It is a general problem...

Just found out that it is a general problem, which affect many other users . So the picture from the ball will follow. And in the meantime, I also found out, who took my camera and dared to take this picture ;-)

It was the best ball and one of the funniest evening in Uganda!


...has not been working for more than 12 hours now. I do not know why but apparently the picture taken from under the kilt is not supposed to be uploaded.

Was Schotten unter dem Rock tragen... What Scots wear under their kilt...

... ich habe keine Ahnung, wo das Foto herkommt, aber es zeigt offensichtlich, was Schotten nun wirklich unter dem Rock tragen, bzw. was eben nicht...

... I have no clue, who took this picture with my camera today, but now it is clear, what Scots wear under their kilts...

It was fun. I enjoyed the evening so much. It was the first ball, where I could dance and teaching international ballroom dancing paid off. I could dance with some of "my students". I enjoyed it. And as one of my friends predicted yesterday, there were more, with whom I could dance. And I did not have to ask, I was asked. This was indeed a major improvement.

Anyway, here there is the picture of what is below the skirt.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Short summary of the previous posting

For the non German speakers: I saw the photo exhibition on Northern Uganda and was shocked and I am still trying to fight back my tears and my anger. It boils down to the theological question of theodicy, a question I have dealt with time and again for years.

There certain areas of life, which I cannot express as precise in English as I can in German, and then I feel more comfortable with my mother tongue. Well, but since I was able to summarize it in two sentences, I could at least save you some time, whereas those whom I bored with my thoughts in German could read a full DIN A4 page (font 10).

Ich lebe in einer perversen Gesellschaft.

Heute Abend werde ich ca. 50 EUR für die Eintrittskarte zum Ball of the Irish Society ausgeben, als Mittagessen habe ich mir ein Steak für 6 EUR gegönnt und anschließend bin ich in einer Photoausstellung der American Society gegangen, wo mir die Perversität meines hiesigen Lebens plastisch vorgeführt wurde.

Es war eine Ausstellung mit Bildern aus dem Norden Ugandas, dort wo jede Nacht tausende von Kindern Schutz vor den Mördern der Lord Resistance Army suchen. Dort, wo Menschen anderen Menschen die Lippen abhacken, wo Kinder für Mörderdiensten gekidnappt werden, wo Millionen Menschen nichts zum Essen und nur verschmutztes Wasser zum Trinken haben, dorthin will ich niemals hin müssen.

Und doch werde ich die Chance nutzen, ein Wochenende in Gulu zu verbringen, um wenigstens einen kleinen, unzensierten Einblick in das wahre Elend der Ugander zu erhalten. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das verkraften werde. Als ich eben die Bilder und deren Unterschriften betrachtete, konnte ich die Tränen kaum unterdrücken und die Tränen liefen an meinen Wangen herunter, als ich auf dem Fahrrad nach Hause fuhr. Dieses Elend, diese Hilflosigkeit, diese Brutalität, die Unmenschlichkeit ist für mich schwer zu begreifen. Wieso muss das so sein? Warum dürfen/können die Menschen nicht friedlich miteinander leben?

Gestern traf ich eine junge Dame, die seit Jahren in verschiedenen Ländern Straßenkinderprojekte betreut. Sie erzählte mir, dass in Kenia hunderttausend Kinder auf der Straße lebten und dass sie diese versuchen, in dreimonatigen „Kursen“ wieder in ihre Familien – sofern diese noch leben – zu integrieren. Heute ist sie nach Gulu gefahren, um dort in einem Projekt zu arbeiten, dass sich um die Kinder, die jede Nacht Schutz in der Stadt suchen, kümmert. Ich war beeindruckt von der jungen Dame.

Und ich kämpfe gerade wieder gegen die Tränen und die Wut an, die in mir hinaufsteigt. Wie kann so was nur sein? Warum?

Warum werde ich nach ein paar Minuten lesen wieder diesen Horror vergessen und warum werde ich den heutigen Abend trotz meines jetzigen Unverständnis meines Handelns genießen? Warum verhalten sich Menschen so merkwürdig? Ist es alles nur Selbstschutz?

Ich weiß, dass ich das Elend der Welt nicht auf einmal beseitigen kann. Aber tue ich genug dafür? Ist mein Präsenz und mein Auftrag in diesem Land ausreichend? Erreiche ich wirklich etwas? Warum hinterfrage ich die Wirkung meiner Arbeit?

Und in Deutschland interessiert es keinen, welche schrecklichen Bilder ich eben sah, unter welchen Bedingungen die Menschen in diesem Teil der Erde täglich leben müssen. Sie spenden Millionen für die Tsunami-Opfer (deren Schicksal ich hiermit nicht klein reden will), aber welches Elend im Osten des Kongos, im Süden des Sudans, im Norden Ugandas usw. herrscht, interessiert wenn überhaupt nur wenige. Ich gebe zu, dass mir das auch so ging und ich gebe auch zu, dass ich für diese Region durch meinen derzeitigen Lebensmittelpunkt sensibilisiert bin.

Warum kann es sein, dass es einen Gott gibt, der so viel Elend zulässt? Die Theodizee, die mich seit langem beschäftigt...

Another Saturday....

... another ball!

But I will not comment too much on the ball. It is probably going to be as usual, except of the reason for the ball, the price for the ticket and the dinner served... Today, it is the Irish ball. The ticket price seems a bit high (UGX 100,000), but it includes dinner and all whiskeys. Let`s see how it will turn out.

What is far more interesting is that I am learning to be flexible. I could e.g. do this by working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This would be tough for me. They send you to new posts with a very short notice. A friend of mine was just sent upcountry, so we had a farewell dinner yesterday. And shortly as he was noticed by the ICRC so were we. He called at 19:00h and dinner was at 20:00h.

Ah, and I bought the ticket for the ball yesterday and it is today. Fortunately, I do not have to bear the nightmare of having a significant other, who does not know what to wear. I just have a shower, get into underwear put on the shirt, the tuxedo and the bow tie plus the handkerchief and ready I am. No problem at all.

Friday, March 18, 2005

From my American slang book...

Ah, I am looking forward to see all my books again next Wednesday. Among them, there is also a stupid purchase from December. An Amercian Slang Book - nothing more useless than this, put I could read it all the way through within two days or so. I am writing this because I promised to review a 30 page paper on the impact of microfinance - when do I learn to say "No"? Actually, the topic is interesting, but I should read some econometrics stuff or try to get my sample together and play around with S-Plus... Besides, I keep on falling asleep. The author's style is not the most vivid...

Anyway, here there are the phrases that I could remember:

"Want to see my stamp collection"
"If I follow you home, would you keep me" (Do those two work in America?)
"I pretend to work. They pretend to pay" (office llore on a coffee cup)
"Only Robinson Crusoe could have everything done by Friday" (80% of the German youth would not understand it)
"51% sweetheart, 49% bitch - Don't push it!" (who wears such t-shirts?)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

To be open or not to be open – that is the question…

… in Uganda. Among others, it is currently discussed, whether members of parliament should vote secretly or openly at the constitutional assembly.

You may say, that it is only their conscience which members of parliament are accountable for and for accountability against her/his voters and general transparency reasons, it is advisable to vote openly. This is all true, indeed.

However, what if the institutional setting is not conducive to an open ballot system in parliament or in a constitutional assembly? If there is a unbearable trade-off between freedom of opinion and speech and political or maybe even other pressure? If I would be a governance or political advisor, I would always and everywhere suggest to go for secret voting, just in case… Thus, the member of parliament is not exposed to group pressure and nobody can point any finger on a member of parliament, if she/he votes against someone’s intention. It requires strong institutional settings in a mature democracy to let members of parliament enjoy their freedom for the good of her/his voters.

For me, that would be reason enough to adopt secret voting or as an alternative one could adopt a rule that unless nobody asks for secret ballots, it is an open voting system.

Ah, and finally The Monitor has a new website.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Added some older German emails...

I bothered my friends and acquaintances in Germany with these emails, when I arrived in Uganda. Most of my views have not changed since then and some topics are still relevant, like e.g. M7, LRA, polygamy, role of women, nightlife, status of the Swedish medical doctor (insider).

Therefore, I decided to load them up. See the blogs from 2003/2004. Among them, there is also the notorious goat race story where I suffered from the tensions with the Poles (however it worked out quite well since then with the Pole) and my recommendations for the German government (still up to date).

This was probably the most productive thing so far today. Well, it will be not my fault if the rafting expedition of the remaining unexplored leg of the Nile cannot take place. I gave my very best and drank a lot last night. Okay, not that anybody has some wrong ideas: The rest of the day I have been stuck in meetings and I usually do not consider them as productive.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Where I come from? Bielefeld!

BIELEFELD is a wonderful city in East-Westphalia. It is home of the famous company Dr. Oetker. Apart from the food company, the family owned group owns a bank, an insurance company, etc.

And I am coming home on the 24th March and will spend some great 4 nights with my friends. We will probably go to the Sausalitos, the Café Europa. Although in Germany, I feel already better if I just go out having dinner with friends like e.g. in the nice the Bernstein.

We will see. But actually, I am already looking forward to flying back to Entebbe...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

What do I want to achieve in my life

A short dialogue initiated that I decided to spend few minutes on thinking about what I want to achieve before I leave earth.

1) Get my degree.
2) Get a well paid job with a bank.
3) Work in New York for some years.
4) Meet a wonderful wife.
5) Start dancing with her.
6) Marry her.
7) Buy a house.
8) Plant a tree.
9) Become a father.
10) Become a professor.
11) Have plenty of time for my family.
12) Learn French.
13) Learn Spanish.
14) Become a dive master.
15) Get (finally) the black belt in judo.
16) Win again a significant dancing competition.

Pretty boring, isn't it?

Ordering in a restaurant in Uganda - 101

Never be sarcastic! If the waiter asks you, whether you want to have three ice scoops in one or in three glasses, never ever dare to answer “in three”. Guess, what happened to me when I could not resist saying, “Yes, why not put it in three different ones”. My British friend just asked, whether I knew what I was doing. I said, who would be so stupid to bring three glasses with one scoop in each of them. Indeed, he was not: He brought three glasses with three scoops in each of them. Three times chocolate in the first, three times strawberry in the second and three times vanilla in the third. And they tasted horrible! Fortunately, my friends helped me with the ice cream. And I just wanted to finish that dinner with something nice and tasty, the meal before was not well below average. So, if you have the pleasure to be served by an Ugandan waiter or waitress: Never ever try to be funny, when you order! Never try to order vegetarian ice cream or anything similarly funny. They will try to follow your order and sometimes they tend to overachievements (see above). Just be patient, repeat your orders slowly, ask for confirmations and make sure everything is clearly understood. I would have never thought that I would ever end up like this.

Ah, and if you have a strong accent like me, be careful when it comes to friend rice or French fries. Here, they tend to mix them up quite frequently.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

There was another party on an island in Lake Victoria last weekend???

Can you believe this? Apparently, there was another party on an island in Lake Victoria last weekend or better "orgy" as Mr. Timothy Bukumunhe from The New Vision classified the event (, +256 41 337000)

First, I thought Mr. Bukumunhe was referring to the party organised by the management of the Rouge. That would have been bad, if any of my colleagues would have read that I attended a "sex and ganja orgy". But fortunately, the description of the "sex and ganja orgy" does not fit at all to the decent party I went to. By the way: What is "ganja"? Why does the local press constantly use non-English expressions? I would not mind, if they added an English translation but so I also end up running to our secretaries asking for translations.

Anyway, Mr. Bukumunhe must have had a tough weekend according to his first hand experiences with that "orgy". I mean how else shall he be able to report all those details? It must be based on his in depth experiences. And it must be true because according to the first article of the Code Of Ethics of the National Institute of Journalists of Uganda (NIJU):

"1 - No journalist shall disseminate information or allegations without establishing its correctness or truth."

Even if he used second hand information this would apply though he shall not disclose her/his identity according to the second article of the same Code of Ethics. Therefore, I will use his name as a pars pro toto and thereby respect the ethical standards which he is obliged to obey to.

Back to the two parties on 5th February 2005:
Honestly, those, who attended that "orgy", were worse off than those who came to the party on Bulago Island, because their departure was already in the early Saturday morning, only men drank, and only expatriates went. But they had several boats, and not only one, which partly broke down on its way back… Hm, I would say, it is time to compare both parties before deciding which was better.

The differences:
There was no boat heading towards Bulago Island in the morning. I think, ours was the first to arrive at Bulago Island and that was around 1.00 p.m. The rest left Munyonyo at 4.30 p.m., if I am correctly informed.

Those, who came to our party, had to sit in one big long boat without any decks, which would have protected the passengers from the sun.

There was a wide variety of nationalities assembled and among the party guests, there were also many Ugandans.Bimbettes. Thanks to the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language (Fourth Edition 2000), I was also able to find the definition of this offensive slang term (it was a challenge): "A woman considered as sexually provocative and mentally vacuous." (I like the last part of it.) Well, there was no one of the usual suspects on our island. All those kind of semi-professional Ugandans must have gone to the orgy, which Mr. Bukumunhe attended.

Both, men and women drank alcoholic beverages - yes I admit me too! But in contrast to the "orgy", my fellow party guests set up their tents first, when they arrived on the island and the party could not start immediately on the island due to some … let's call it "organisational challenges".

Thus, the time until the bar, music etc was set up, was bridged by some traditional sitting together on the beach and talking with each other and watching the amazing sky which was full of stars that night. I admit what went on my nerves was the careless behaviour of some people who threw away their bottles and cigarette butts. Thus if people smoked pipes, I would have appreciated that, but isn’t that a bit old-fashioned?Rather than by ganja smoke, the air on Bulago Island was "polluted" by lake flies. Those were everywhere! Maybe, this was different at Mr. Bukumunhe's orgy, and then he should disclose the name of that piece of land in the lake.

Even during the rain showers starting around midnight, there was nothing like a wet t-shirt contest and no women exposed their blossoms - okay, some men exposed their chests, but would this come close to "skimpy bikini clad bimbettes, who occasionally bared their boobies"? I would say it does not. No women on our island, whom I know, would ever dare to expose any of their secondary sexual characteristics in public. Besides, I think, it would not even been possible on our boat because everybody had to wear life jackets.

As regards to the many couples, who came to our island: There was no unusual public display of affection (I always wanted to use this term!), which would have given reason to raise eyebrows – well at least not for the eyes of a western liberal.

Conclusion: I am quite happy that I have not met Mr. Bukumunhe or his informant at his "sex and ganja orgy". Since I am usually not invited to such exclusive parties, I will probably never meet him and honestly, I do not want to be invited to such parties. That gentleman’s party was obviously attended by impolite, sexually unsatisfied drunkards who not know how to behave at all and who downgrade women to sexual objects. No thanks!

P.S.: What kind of café organises "sex and ganja orgies" in Uganda? It is probably neither Café Roma (my favourite place for pizza) nor Crocodile Café and Bar. Was it Pause Café, Hunters Café Bar, Will’s Café and Bar or maybe Rock Garden Café?

Friday, March 11, 2005

A German ... to rent? Not quite so.

Just found this while I was reading during my second breakfast break:

Awesome! That is art - funny and with such a clear message! Well done.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Frequency of Sexual Intercourse is negatively correlated to the Intelligence Quotient.

Frequency of Sexual Intercourse is negatively correlated to the Intelligence Quotient.

This morning I had to attend a boring training for an application, which is a competitor to the one we had developed and implemented last year. My motivation was accordingly and the few beers at the Rouge last evening were not conducive either… Anyway, wasn’t there a ban on noise pollution in Uganda? This horrible 24/7 noises coming from the construction site of the (former) Nile International Hotel drives me crazy! … Okay, so I was sitting there surprised that it is indeed possible that one can talk 20 minutes about how to open an application (Unbelievable!), when I saw my neighbour reading The New Vision. I envied her because I had forgotten my PDA downstairs. So I turned my attention to the headlines of the daily. One was very catchy: “The cleverer you are, the less sex you want!“

Guess what I thought? No. Wrong. I thought: “What will the Government do about it?” On the one hand the government demands higher human reproduction rates and at the same time it demands better trained and educated human capital. Hm! There is obviously a trade-off and this article will probably be called subversive western attempt to undermine the successful implementation of the new economic strategy. Okay and the second thought was different but immediately interrupted by the trainer’s bad English accent, when he started to try fixing something on my computer, which I had already fixed (mapping of a network drive).

During the following break, I fetched my PDA and read my emails. One came from a friend in Munich. He basically told me the same bad news, so I asked my colleague, whether I could read the article (see below).

I know the difference between GDP and GNP (macro economics: gross domestic product = gross national Product - factor payments from abroad + factor payments to abroad). I know what the cobweb theory is about and could also explain it (micro economics: explains how the price equilibrium is established under the assumption of adaptive expectations in a more or less dynamic environment). Well, and you guessed it: Of course I know the Pythagoras theorem (but not all of its hundreds of proofs: In every orthogonal triangle with two short sides a, b and a long side of length c, it holds that a2+b2=c2).

So according to the article, this proofs that a “man pursuing a PhD sets himself goals that compete with his animal drive for sex.” I was shocked. I mean not because I could now blame something on another thing, which would not be appropriate because you should not assert oneself to be intelligent, shouldn’t you? But is it true what the article reports? Maybe it is the result of a spurious regression. I did not want to believe that being intelligent means that one has less sexual intercourse. Admittedly, there is the German saying “Dumm fickt gut.” / “Goons fuck better.”, however, according to more serious sources (Men’s Health, e.g.), it is generally proofed that intelligent people have better sex.

Poor intelligent people. They could have a better coitus but less opportunities to have sexual intercourse. This is contradicting, isn’t it? So, I went to the web and searched for the original papers of Prof. Halpern (Link):

Halpern CT, Joyner K, Udry JR, Suchindran C, “Smart teens don't have sex (or kiss much either).”, Journal of Adolescent Health: 26 , 3 , 213-25 , March , 2000

It was no challenge to find the referred journal paper but instead of spending money for the full article (which I might not fully understand – see my experience with the herpes/liquorices article), I just read the abstract of it (see below). Its main conclusion is “Controlling for age, physical maturity, and mother’s education, a significant curvilinear relationship between intelligence and coital status was demonstrated; adolescents at the upper and lower ends of the intelligence distribution were less likely to have sex. Higher intelligence was also associated with postponement of the initiation of the full range of partnered sexual activities.”

I am very relaxed and I will now turn back to my books, papers, and my writing!

By the way: I learnt another opposite for “Rosy Palm and her five friends” - partnered sexual activities.

Purpose: To examine the relationship between an intelligence measure and a wide spectrum of partnered sexual activity ranging from holding hands to sexual intercourse among adolescents.
Method: Analyses are based on two separate samples of adolescents. The core sample of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) includes approximately 12,000 adolescents enrolled in the 7th to 12th grades. The Biosocial Factors in Adolescent Development projects followed approximately 100 white males and 200 black and white females over 3- and 2-year periods, respectively. Both studies used the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) as an intelligence measure, and confidential self-reports of sexual activity. Logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship between PPVT scores and coital status in Add Health data; proportional hazard models were used to examine the timing of initiation of noncoital and coital activities as a function of PPVT scores in the Biosocial Factors sample.
Results: Controlling for age, physical maturity, and mother’s education, a significant curvilinear relationship between intelligence and coital status was demonstrated; adolescents at the upper and lower ends of the intelligence distribution were less likely to have sex. Higher intelligence was also associated with postponement of the initiation of the full range of partnered sexual activities. An expanded model incorporating a variety of control and mediator variables was tested to identify mechanisms by which the relationship operates.
Conclusions: Higher intelligence operates as a protective factor against early sexual activity during adolescence, and lower intelligence, to a point, is a risk factor. More systematic investigation of the implications of individual differences in cognitive abilities for sexual activities and of the processes that underlie those activities is warranted.”

“The cleverer you are, the less sex you want

QUESTION: How can you tell if a man is ready for sex?
Wrong answer: Look at his pants.
Right answer: Look at his chest. If he is still breathing, then he is ready.

Yes, men are ready for sex anytime, but some want it and go for it more than others. There are women who want it more than men. And you can easily tell who can kill for sex by looking at the head.

A US magazine, American Demographics, surveyed 10,000 adults in 1997 and discovered a link between sex drive and intelligence. The more intelligent you are, the less sex you have and you want to have. So, tell me your sex life and I will tell you your Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

If you are the type who thinks sex and oxygen should play in the same league, that 30 minutes are a beep and you cannot have sex and chew gum at the same time, you are dim-witted.
The research found intellectuals with postgraduate qualification had sex 52 times a year, below the 61 average for ordinary graduates. Secondary school drop-outs gyrate a whooping 94 times while those who saw no books can easily hang 140 skins up to dry.
This means if your date across the table knows the difference between GDP and GNP, or can explain the cobweb theory, your chances of seeing their nakedness soon are as slim as Arsenal’s title hopes. But if this person has never heard of the Pythagoras theorem, go on red alert for sex.
Psychologists think it is inferiority complex. A person who thinks the partner will be impressed at a neighbour’s graduation party, must make a point the previous night to prove that the groin can outtalk the brain.

But a professor, who is respected per see, applauded in conferences and consulted in vital matters, has nothing, aside pen and paper, to prove. On the contrary, this high esteem creates psychological pressure and anxiety to extend the aura to the bed. They approach sex wondering whether their fire-spitting prowess in lecture rooms and conferences won’t be diluted by under-performance. And the more they can avoid this performance anxiety, the better.

Naturalists say sex is our animal instinct to survive. The closer to our ancestor in intellect you are, the more you vigorously pursue sex. But for an academician, whose brains are distracted by new stimuli, information, plans for the better and anxiety to remain on top, sex ceases to be priority. A man pursuing a PhD sets himself goals that compete with his animal drive for sex.

That is why Anne Weyman, chief executive, Family Planning Association, said that ambition is the best form of contraception.

According to sociology, the more problems a couple faces, the higher the propensity to copulate. That is why population increases during war times! The poor tend to produce more.

The University of North Carolina, examined teenagers’ sexual habits, and revealed smarter adolescents start having sexual relations later than teens of average intelligence. “An adolescent with an IQ of 100 — average intelligence — was up to five times as likely to have had sexual relations than a peer with an intelligence score of 120-130,” Dr Carolyn Halpern, a team leader on the research said.

Smarter girls were even less likely than their male counterparts to have sex at an early age. The analysis revealed that for each point increase in intelligence score, the chance of necking went down 2.5% for boys and 1.6% for girls. The likelihood of sex decreased 2.7% for boys and 1.7% for girls.

Good grade students may shy away from sex because they are already planning their future. And teens of lower intelligence are more vulnerable to being taken advantage of or less likely to consider possible negative consequences of having sex.

Another study by the universities of Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow on the IQ hindrance to marriage showed that girls experience a 40% drop in desire for marriage for each 16-point rise in IQ. The study was based on the IQs of 900 women between their 10th and 40th birthdays.

In Africa, a Phd woman has less than fewer men to attract because women prefer to mate with their levels or a status higher. And women who can provide for themselves economically may feel they have less to gain from marriage. Intelligent persons are also better able to form preferences by analysing what lies behind the scenes in marriage. While single women do have sex, they have no control on its roadmap.

I also believe that a high IQ makes a woman less able to attract men when she wants to do so. Men generally want their partners to be less smart than they are.

So, before you register for any course, check your sex life. Does it prove you have the intellect to manage?”

Published on: Thursday, 10th March, 2005 in The New Vision

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Interpersonal / Relationship problems

Men are not necessarily considered to be the designated dialogue partner. This is the common perception, which is not true. I cannot help it, I do find it complicated or weird to give advice on relationships because it always boils down to what someone deliberately want or want to give up respectively. As an outsider, it is easy to make people realise the true desires and also to provide some (more) unbiased analysis of incidents. And I always enjoy helping others while I become angry about those who obviously violate relationships. I am not criticising those who want to break up because love is gone and who realised that it has not been true love. I become angry, when it is about the behaviour of those men who never left the development stage of hunter-gatherers.

Well, but for those men who always wanted to give advice on relationships to women, here they are, the six steps for a successful conversation:

1. Express you surprise.
It is usually horror news, although there are (unsustainable) relationships, in which problems frequently pop up. Nevertheless, if she calls, you should be surprised if you believe in their relationship, otherwise try to pretend it. If you do not want to contribute to adhere their relationship. This would either disqualify you from the following phases of the conversation or if it is a permanent issue with this gentleman, go to step six.

2. Show sympathy.
This is actually the longest part and it is important to let the other person talk and to guide their suffering by open questions but feel free to confirm her statements regularly.

3. Bashing him.
The second phase is usually followed by the bashing phase. Do not join in her bashing blindly. Keep an objective distance; just judge those incidents/misconducts which are evident. Do not interpret too much. In some regards men are generally retarded and they do not think about all consequences of their deeds. So some degrees of freedom and forgiveness are necessary to uphold a relationship. Nevertheless, the same is true for him. A relationship requires mutual understanding and compromises by both partners.
However, men are usually simple minded (I abstain from writing “cock-driven”, which may hit the nail on its head), so some incidents might be just too evident and must be criticised. But, please do it as objectively as possible.

4. Find remaining feelings.
Based on your conclusion of the third phase, it now important to assess whether there are some remaining feelings, which can be enforced in the following phase to reinforce the relationship. If the conclusion of the third phase was that the relationship is unsustainable because of the incident(s), go to step six.

5. Enforce her remaining feelings.
If there are sufficient feelings left and if it can be concluded that the gentleman is going to change his behaviour, point out that is was a single mistake, highlight the unique factors which lead to this incident and then stress his positive character and whatever she likes about him.

6. Conclude with an action plan.
a. To forgive him is the most preferred option especially if the relationship seems to be generally sustainable despite his (single/infrequent) blunder(s) and if this can re-establish a satisfying relationship. However, it needs to be decided upon whether it should be forgiven immediately or whether is might be advisable to let him suffer. (Ah yes, it is of course, it goes without saying that this option is most promising if he suffers!)
b. To demand corrections of his behaviour followed by close monitoring with milestones would be a second best option. However, this is usually not feasible due to a lack of means of enforcement and moreover significant implementation problems. Therefore, it boils down to agree on monitoring his subsequent behaviour and to decide later whether option a or c should be executed.
c. To send him to hell is the third option and it is suggested in those cases, where evident misconducts are frequent and when it is not likely that a behavioural change would lead into a sustainable and satisfying relationship.

One important ingredient of this recipe was not mentioned: Honesty. It just works, if you feel honest sympathy and if you want to support her. Otherwise your unfaithful attempt will be immediately detected. So, maybe it is not something for all men.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

And now, there are even more children. A rough and conservative estimate is 30 children and 10 parents... And the number of visitors is gowing...
Posted by Hello

Today is Women’s Day

The average man would say, isn’t it always about women. Anyway, so there is this public holiday (on a Tuesday!) and what is different? Right, nothing except that public servants and office workers can stay at home. The rest works as usual. You can go shopping, dining, do anything you do on any other week day or weekend. Those are nice public holidays…

Though, I admit it is strange to celebrate a holiday which shall honour the achievements and important roles of women in society, when it is those who have to work as usual.

Asked what will be special today, a very senior Ugandan colleague of mine told me that I shall honour the women. That would be all. No presents or special advertencies. “African women do not expect men to be nice.” No comment.

Speaking of achievements of women: I have to admit that I do appreciate that women give birth to children (“to pop the tot” - just caught this expression up) – especially after this one episode of E.R. Anyway, some Indian neighbours show the achievements of their women at the pool today.

There is another question, I would like to rise: When I attended the dinner ball organised by the U.N. Spouse Association, I did not see any male member of that association. It might be a coincidence, of course, but in general I fear that international organisations are not gender sensitive in this regard. I honestly believe that this is an important issue.

A friend of mine came to Uganda, because his wife had this job in a leading position. He had been having a tough time her. He was considered a lazy man, who just played tennis and hang out with his friends. But, what do the women do who stay at home while their husbands make the world a better place to be by alleviating poverty etc? Ask yourself and look around, whether this observation is wrong.

And of course my friend was also considered to have relationships with local ladies. Which was not true at all! I miss him. He was a good listener – well as a social worker, that is what is supposed to be able to – he was funny and apart from the same first name we also shared a common sense of humour.

I suggest implementing special programs for those men who accompany their abroad working women. Those men must cope with many more problems than women, especially if they live in a society, which is less liberal and less emancipated like e.g. Uganda. And who supports them?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Every women's dream...

That is how you must look like to drew all attention of women. This "dog" was really everywhere on the island, where we went and finally the dog was of course also at the party. Where else? I guess there was nothing else going on on the island that evening.
Posted by Hello

The Rouge's Party on Bulago Island

First of all: I slept well, woke up on time and had no hang over - perfect start into a sunny Sunday! But before, there was a long decision making process:

20.02.2005: heart about the party and was indifferent, whether I would go

24.02.2005: think it was that day, when I received the “official” invitation by SMS

25.02.2005: saw the ads at Rouge and thought "No, that is something for the cool guys."

28.02.2005: was asked by some friends, whether I would go or asked to join respectively; refused to go

01.03.2005: had some beers at my place with a friend and decided to go to the party on the island but instead of staying in a tent, we would rent a cottage

02.03.2005: called Rouge and booked five tickets for the trip, reserved a cottage and arranged transportation for an early departure on Sunday

03.03.2005, 22:00: called Rouge and the hotel on the island and cancelled the reservations and bookings

04.03.2005: called/texted friends and informed them about my decision; others were also indifferent and thought about cancelling the trip; met the other owner of the Rouge at Mamba Point and he complained that I pulled out; his arguments were:

  • women-men ratio 3:1
  • all models in town would show up
  • great food and drinks
  • great music

So it was basically a must to go!

05.03.2005, 1:45: was at the Rouge, met the gentleman again and could not resist to buy a ticket from the organizer; this left me with two problems:
no transport to Munyonyo
no tent

05.03.2005, 2:00: sent an SMS to a friend explaining my dilemma

05.03.2005, 9:15: was told to be at my friend’s place before 11:00 a.m.

05.03.2005, 10:45: was at the friend’s place

05.03.2005, 11:00: went shopping for the trip and then picked up the others and the tents

05.03.2005, 12:30: left the Marines' House

05.03.2005, 13:50: arrived at Bulago Island with the speed boat and started to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere on the island

It is just great to have nice friends who do not mind my strange decision making processes and who provide help when needed as in this case: I got onto the island with a speed boat and I was allowed to share the tent with them.

We had a nice day and night on the island! I swam in the lake, walked around – very relaxing and definitely different from the common Saturdays in Kampala. The party in the evening was cool. I met some very nice people, and enjoyed myself despite some- let's call it - organizational surprises. How come e.g. that there was no team setting up the party place before the masses came?

Ah, as regards to the convincing arguments:

  • Women-men ratio 3:1 - probably not true but I did not care
  • All the famous (local) models would show up – some did, but no one I have not known before
  • Great food and drinks - dinner was served, yes... , drinks were warm, they had Great red wine, though
  • Great music - definitely!

Actually, I was surprised when I thought about the previous night on our way back to Kampala (door to door 1h trip). I enjoyed it although there are some things I really do not like:

  • Sand.
  • Little annoying (flying) insects.
  • Having no shower in the morning.
  • Having no possibility to clean my pair of glasses.
  • Warm drinks except hot chocolate and tea.
  • AND having to ask others for favours.

I had to overcome all this and it turned out to be a wonderful event. The lake flies made me drink less of the warm beverages, a bottle of water and a baseball cap substituted the shower and since it was dark anyway, I could not realize that my glasses let me barely look through. And my friends did not mind taking me to the island and providing me a place to sleep in their tent.

Although some tough party people danced until the early morning and several others could not sleep because of the loud music, I did not care. I can sleep anywhere whatever is going on around me. I do not even mind, if someone wakes me up (I do not know, how many times this happened during the few hours I slept in that night). But I cannot recall this strange story I heart this morning - which I admit, I may have misunderstood: One lady allegedly tried to kiss me, while I was sleeping. Hm, this is just too unlikely.

By the way: The main organizer thought I would be stupid and told everybody: "This Torsten is strange. He ordered tickets for five, cancelled two days later and now he buys a ticket, although he is not coming. He is giving away money for nothing...” – This made him and his friends laugh and they were happily surprised when they saw me waiting for them at the island’s hotel in the late Saturday afternoon.

The morning after the party... at around 7.00 a.m. I just woke up, when others were still dancing, most were sleeping and we are already prepared to leave the wonderful island and let the others enjoy a beautiful day on the island.

Two of the DJs, who played music the whole night.

The little "spots" are not on the lens of my camera. Those are lake flies. Very annoying but harmless insects! I do not know, how the left DJ could stand it. Those flies are attracted by light. They must have been all over his face.
In the afternoon before. A quiet piece of land at the beach with a wonderful house and a perfectly set bench, from which you have a nice view on the beach and the lake.

This changed soon... Environmentalists would have freaked out.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Various Dress Codes Explained

When I had decide what to wear today, I checked for the dress code on the invitation. That is actually very helpful and fortunately the Brits were ruling the country and left some nice habits, so invitations have usually an indication for the dress code, too.

"Lounge Suit, Evening or Traditional Dress" - what does this mean. Well, since I was not sure and I thought Lounge Suit and Evening Dress would be contradicting, I googled it.

According to various internet sources, a "lounge suit is worn at less formal occasions such as business meetings, interviews etc, where more formal dress is not necessary. It often consists of a black, grey or navy jacket with matching trousers. A white shirt and a tie are also worn to complement the suit." - Do they think I would show my naked chest? Unfortunately the definition of evening dress is not as clear. I can be anything.

Fortunately, there is a 50/50 chance for being right, because I would definitely not wear a traditional dress. And since my tuxedo has not been ready at my dry cleaners, I had to go for a normal dark blue suit, nice red tie and white shirt.

I hope that dinner will be as nice as last time. Unfortunately there are going to be some speeches. Last year I was filmed while I was sending SMS to friends in Germany. To avoid the embarrassing questions on Monday, I will leave all gadgets at home and switch my mobile phone off.

Insurance companies

Since a few days I say pictures in the dailies which show insurance company managers handing over cars or cheques to customers. Those customers however have not won in a draw, the pictures show the mangers fulfilling their contractual liabilities.

Recently, there was this story of Bank of Uganda being reimbursed for a car that was involved in an accident and then a day later there was the picture of a family whose car was crashed in 2004 in an accident and who received their cheque from the insurance company. First I was confused. Isn’t it the insurance companies duty to conform to the insurance agreement, which implies that the client is reimbursed in case of damage or loss etc. That is exactly what clients pay their insurance premium for.

That was the moment when I realised why the insurance companies make such a big deal of their payments. People do not trust them! So they must demonstrate that they are actually paying when the damage event occurs.

It is funny to realise how many things I take for granted.

Speaking of taking for granted: I got my hair cut yesterday. I stopped the guy soon after he started cutting, I was happy with that length and told him that this was the perfect length and that he should just cut few millimeters on top of my head. Then I laid back and relaxed. Okay, and when I put my glasses back on, I was not really surprised, when I saw that I ended up with the same hair cut as usual. I can again join the U.S. Marines. Although their local boss keeps on telling me that they don’t need people with glasses. But since he leaves on Sunday, his successor might change his mind, when he sees me :->

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Things nobody needs to know...

...except if you play quizzes. For a good reason here there are the traditional anniversary gifts:

1st: paper
2nd: cotton
3rd: leather
4th: fruit and flower; linen
5th: wood
6th: sugar and sweet; iron
7th: wool; copper
8th: bronze and rubber
9th: pottery and willow
10th: tin; aluminum
11th: steel
12th: silk and fine linen
13th: lace
14th: ivory
15th: crystal
16th: peridot
17th: watch
18th: cat's eye
19th: aquamarine
20th: china
25th: silver
30th: pearls; ivory
35th: coral; jade
40th: rubies
45th: sapphires
50th: gold
55th: emeralds
60th: diamonds

Or for those to whom I provided the answer in German (for the sake of a level playing field...):

Grüne Hochzeit
½ Jahr Traumhochzeit
1 Jahr Papier-Hochzeit
2 Jahre Baumwoll-Hochzeit
3 Jahre Leder-Hochzeit
4 Jahre Seiden-Hochzeit
5 Jahre Holz-Hochzeit
6 Jahre Zinn-Hochzeit
7 Jahre Kupfer-Hochzeit
8 Jahre Blech-Hochzeit
9 Jahre Keramik-Hochzeit
10 Jahre Rosen-Hochzeit
11 Jahre Stahl-Hochzeit
12 Jahre Nickel-Hochzeit
12½ Jahre Bronze-Hochzeit
13 Jahre Kristall-Hochzeit
14 Jahre Elfenbein-Hochzeit
15 Jahre Veilchen-Hochzeit
20 Jahre Porzellan-Hochzeit
25 Jahre Silberne Hochzeit
30 Jahre Perlen-Hochzeit
35 Jahre Leinen-Hochzeit
37½ Jahre Aluminium-Hochzeit
40 Jahre Rubin-Hochzeit
45 Jahre Messing-Hochzeit
50 Jahre Goldene Hochzeit
60 Jahre Diamantene Hochzeit
65 Jahre Eisene Hochzeit
67½ Jahre Steinerne Hochzeit
70 Jahre Gnaden-Hochzeit
75 Jahre Kronjuwelen-Hochzeit

Who was so weired to come up with those half-year anniversaries? That is just stupid. Anyway, I am glad that I am PDA-addicted so I won't miss them if I had to remember those. Well, sometimes those half-year anniversaries are useful, I just realise. I think my father could "celebrate" the bronze anniversary (12.5 years) with my first mother, if I recall the year correctly.
The following is an inofficial translation of a German column in UniSPIEGEL (,1518,340920,00.html). I liked it so much that I decided to translate it for the non German speaking readers. For the rest and for those who want to correct my bad translation, I provided the German original, too.

Aber bitte mit System!
Systematically, please!

Beim nächsten Freund wird alles anders: zunächst kein Kuss, kein Sex, den Jagdtrieb wecken - das war Judith Lieres Plan. In ihrer UniSPIEGEL-Kolumne beschreibt sie, wie Männer bedrängt werden wollen und warum Silvester-Vorsätze nur bis Februar halten.
With the next boyfriend, everything will be different: Firstly, no kissing, no sexual intercourse, which might wake up the boy’s hunting drive – that was Judith Lieres’s plan. In her UniSpiegel- column, she describes how men want to be approached and why New Year’s resolutions hold until February only.

Es gibt viele Gründe, das neue Jahr mit guten Vorsätzen zu beginnen. Mein Grund heißt Holger. Mit Holger wird alles anders, alles besser werden. Der Vorsatz fürs neue Jahr lautet nämlich: Kennenlernen mit Plan.
There are a lot of reasons, to start the new year with good resolutions. My reason is Holger. Together with Holger, everything will become different and better. Because, the New Year’s resolution is: Getting to know systematically.

Holger habe ich an Silvester kennen gelernt. Wir haben gelacht, getanzt, geredet. Mehr ist nicht passiert, das ist ein wichtiger Teil der neuen Strategie. Denn Holger ist toll, Holger ist ein Kandidat. Viel zu hübsch und zu schlau und zu charmant, um als einmalige Sache spontan erledigt zu werden.
I met Holger on New Year’s Eve. We laughed, danced and talked with each other. Nothing more happened, and that is an important part of the new strategy. Because Holger is amazing. Holger is a candidate. Too nice/handsome, smart and charming, to be just considered as a spontaneous one-night stand.

Holger fällt in die Kategorie "potentieller neuer Freund". Und das erfordert eine systematische Herangehensweise.
Holder belongs to the category “potential new boyfriend”. And this requires a systematic approach.

Vor dem Vorsatz hatte ich nie nachgerechnet, wer sich wann bei wem das letzte Mal gemeldet hatte, sondern einfach angerufen. Ohne zu überlegen, ob mein neuer Flirt es toll findet, wenn ich ihm Sonntagmorgens um halb sieben betrunken ins Ohr säusele, was ich ihm schon immer einmal sagen wollte. Vielleicht verlief mein Liebesleben im vergangenen Jahr deshalb so desaströs.
Before the New Year’s resolution I would have never thought about who contacted whom last time, I would have just called. Without considering whether the new flirt likes it I would have called him at 6.30 a.m. being drunk telling him what I have always wanted to tell him. Maybe this is why my sex live was a disaster last year.

Das sollte sich ändern, und deshalb erlegte ich mir von Silvester an strenge Regeln auf: kein Kuss beim ersten Treffen, von Sex ganz zu schweigen. Durch taktische Zurückhaltung den Jagdtrieb des Begehrten zu wecken, das war der Plan. Und Holger das erste Versuchsobjekt. Er würde nicht gleich beim ersten Telefonat erfahren, dass ich schon weiß, wie sich mein Vorname in Kombination mit seinem Nachnamen anhört, und dass ich dank Google-Recherche jede Menge Fotos aus seiner Abi-Zeit kenne. Nein, diesmal würde ich alles richtig machen.
This had to change and this is why I set up strict rules before New Year’s Eve: No kissing during the first “meeting” and it goes without saying also no sex. Waking the hunter’s drive by being strategically reserved was the goal. And Holger was the first attempt. He was not supposed to realise during the first phone call that I knew how the combination of my first name together with his last name sounds, that I have already seen his graduation pictures thanks to Google. No, this time I would just do everything right.

Soweit die Theorie, die ich schweren Herzens auch befolgte. Nach dem gemeinsam durchtanzten Abend verabschiedete ich Holger betont beiläufig: "Vielleicht laufen wir uns ja mal wieder über den Weg." Es schien zu funktionieren, er wollte meine Nummer.
So far as regards to the theory, which I followed heavy heartedly. After the first night of dancing, I casually mentioned while saying goodbye to Holger: “See you around!” It seemed to work, he wanted to know my number.

Zwei Tage später piepte mein Handy. Er fragte mich, ob ich Lust auf einen Kaffee hätte. "Lass mich mal überlegen, hm, och ja, Kaffee, warum nicht, ich hab heute eh noch nix vor", gähnte ich in den Hörer, obwohl ich eigentlich lieber gejubelt hätte: "Kaffee? Mit dir? Großartig! Ja! Total gern! Das ist ja toll, dass du fragst! Und danach können wir ja einen Spaziergang machen, dann zusammen kochen und ein Video gucken, und ich übernachte dann bei dir, okay?"
Two days later my mobile phone rang. He asked whether I would like to have a cup of coffee with him. “Well, let me think. Hm. Well, why not. Coffee. Why not, I have no other plans.“ I yawned into the speaker, although I would have liked to jubilate: “Coffee? With you? Great! Yes, of course! It’s nice that you ask. And then we could have a walk, cook together and watch a video, and then we stay over at your place, okay?”

Wir trafen uns, er erzählte von seinen Plänen, und ich schmolz mit jedem Satz weiter dahin. Die Judith des vergangenen Jahres hätte gesagt: "Ich will mit auf deine Australienreise, lass uns gleich telefonisch ein Ticket reservieren."
We met and we told each other our plans. With each of his sentences, I melted away more. The Judith as of the previous year would have said: “I do want to go on the trip to Australia with you. Let us immediately book another ticket online.”

Aber so leicht auszurechnen wollte ich ja nicht mehr sein, obwohl ich in Gedanken schon mit unseren zukünftigen Kindern über blühende Wiesen hüpfte. "Meld dich, wenn du magst" war mein Abschied, obwohl er eigentlich hätte lauten müssen "Nein, geh nicht! Jede Minute ohne dich ist eine Qual". Ich war stolz auf mich und meine Selbstdisziplin.
But I did not want to be as easily predictable as this; although I already thought about how our kids would run/jump over blooming fields. “Call me, if you want” were my last words of farewell, although I had to shout out: “No, do not go! Every minute without you is painful.” I was so proud about my self-discipline.

Holger meldete sich nicht, ich starrte tagelang untätig mein Handy an. Ihn einfach anrufen? Niemals. Männer wollen nicht bedrängt werden, verdammt!
Holger did not call. I starred at my mobile phone which did not do anything. Calling him? Never. Men do not want to be hassled.

Schließlich hielt ich das Warten nicht mehr aus und griff zum peinlichsten Trick überhaupt. Ich schrieb eine mit "Hallo Isa" beginnende SMS und schickte sie absichtlich an Holgers Nummer. H kommt ja gleich vor I, im Telefonbuch verrutscht, oops, Entschuldigung, kann ja mal passieren. Jetzt musste er sich doch melden und den Irrtum aufklären.
Finally I could not stand waiting any more and I used a simple trick. I texted “Hi Isa” and I send it to Holger. H comes before I, a slight mistake in the phone book and (un)intentiously sent to Holger – oups. Sorry, it can happen. Now he just needs to contact me and try to clarify this mistake.

Da! Es klingelte! ER war es tatsächlich! Bevor er ein Wort sagen konnte, sprudelte es aus mir heraus: Wie froh ich bin, dass er anruft, dass ich ihn vermisst habe, dass ich Angst hatte, er würde mich doof finden - und ob ich mit nach Australien darf. Holger lachte. "Echt? Ich dachte, du hättest kein Interesse an mir. Du wirktest so verkrampft und gelangweilt."
There! It rings! It was him! Before he could say anything, I had to tell him everything: that I feared that he might find me stupid – and whether I could come to Australia with him. Holger laughed and asked: “Really? I thought you would not like me. You seemed to be tensed and bored"

Ich musste grinsen. Pah, Vorsätze. Länger als bis Februar hab ich die sowieso noch nie durchgehalten.
I had to smile. Pah, resolutions. Later than February, they cannot be maintained.

Judith Liere, 24

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Catch 22: Herpes or liquorice/licorice?

Catch 22: Herpes or liquorice/licorice?

When I read my favourite news magazine online (, I came across an article on liquorice and how it kills dormant/inactive herpes. Pure curiosity made me read this article, which basically summarises an academic paper. Actually it is one of those papers, which I usually read before I go to bed: Francesca Curreli, Alvin E. Friedman-Kien, and Ornella Flore, “Glycyrrhizic acid alters Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus latency, triggering p53-mediated apoptosis in transformed B lymphocytes”, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2005 115: 642-652.
Okay, admittedly, I do not even understand the title and it became no better when I tried to read the first paragraph of the text. So I stopped this excursion and went back to the German summary.

It was the powerful headline, which made me open the article: liquorice makes cells commit suicide. “Yes, I can’t stand liquorice, either”, I thought. So why should little cells like liquorice, if I don’t. I continued reading and learnt that it was about herpes cells. And then I stopped and realised how lucky I have been: I have never had herpes and I do not like liquorice. The first might be due to my boring lifestyle. But anyway this lifestyle helps to avoid the terrible situation like: herpes or liquorice – I thought. But since I have never thought about herpes and never cared, I thought it might be due time to do some research on it.

And, whow! What a terrible virus, it is:
One source even said that 90% of the human population has had herpes in one way or the other (HSV-1 or HSV-2, oral or genital). Hm, maybe it is due to my origin: Bielefeld in East-Westphalia, which might help to explain. We are just special and the city is the naval of the world, so why should I get it.

Honestly, I was astonished, that it is also a STD (sexually transmitted disease – this abbreviation is already part of my active vocabulary, but, hey, I am in Uganda). So, I guess my dream to study medicine would not be a too stupid decision. I have so much no clue about biology and all related fields. I should do something to catch up at least some knowledge. One idea would be a biology or medicine book, the other would be to marry or at least start dating a biologists or a medical doctor, then I could take some lessons and learn all those things that one just needs to know: How does my brain work? What happens, when I cut my skin and how does it grow together? Why does it not bleed if you remove those kinds of stapler-like things, which I had had so many times somewhere in my body?

By the way: How would you interpret a situation, in which someone shows you her “fever blisters”? Did the person do that to prevent me from trying to kiss her? Well, fortunately I did not intend to do it and now I would even have a medical reason for not even thinking about it.

Anyway, I will now search for some nice pictures so that I know, which lips should not be kissed ;-) Or do I just have to overcome my hate of liquorice? No, coming back to the article, I have to disappoint you. Fortunately, the necessary doses of liquorice sugar to cure a herpes infections is too high than it could be provided by common liquorice and besides the ingredient, which initiate the suicide of herpes cells only works for inactive herpes.

Therefore, I do not have to import liquorice to Uganda, just in case I might decide to change my lifestyle. But since I now know that the virus can be inactive, I am worried; however, at least I will not have to face a catch 22 situation. Liquorice is out of the game, but herpes is still in … I should stop reading medical stuff, it can be horrifying.

A good one!

Thanks to the night-long translation by a good friend, I can post this one:

Billy walks into a bar, and notices a large glass picther filled with $50 bills on the bar. He asks the barman: "Hey, what's up with the glass full of cash? There must be a fortune in there!" The bartender replies: "We have a running bet in here. Whoever pays 50 bucks and performs three tasks, gets to keep the pitcher and all its contents. Keep in mind, they are three very difficult tasks, as you can tell from all the cash."

"And what are the tasks?"

"No, no, first you show me the money, then I tell you the tasks!" So the guy pulls out a 50, and the bartender tells him the tasks:

First, you have to drink a 2 liter pitcher of tequila, all in one go and without spilling a drop.

Second: Out back my pitbull is chained up, and he has a loose tooth. You have to pull it with your hands, without using any tools.

Third: Upstairs is my 80 year old grandmother. She's never had an orgasm in her life! You have to bring her to her first climax ever.

"You're crazy! No one could do that", and Billy puts the 50 in the pitcher.

Somewhat annoyed, Billy downs a few Budweisers, and with the booze he starts feeling brave. He starts to think, a 50 is a 50. And I want the whole lot!

So he slurs to the bartender: "Hey buddy. Wheresh that bottle a' tequila!?" The barman fills the 2 liter glass, and Billy starts to guzzle. He turns red, and tears pour from his eyes, but he polishes it off in one go, without spilling a drop. The bar erupts in applause, and Billy staggers out into the back yard.

Suddenly there is a loud tumult, with howling, growling, and much gnashing of teeth. Then all goes still. The other patrons are sure that Billy has met his match. Then the door opens, and Billy stumbles in, his clothes torn, bleeding, and covered with bites.

After the applause dies down, he yells out: "OK, that's done. So where is this 80 year old grandma with the loose tooth?"